2015 Student Pulls Carp From Tidal Basin
By Suzanne Featherston | June 1, 2017
The sight of a fisherman on the Tidal Basin near the Jefferson Memorial lured 2015 Youth Tour participant Patrick Minor like, well, a fish to bait.
“I’m from Texas. I really love fish,” says the Henderson native, who borrowed a spare rod from the stranger. The fisherman hooked a carp but without a net couldn’t heft the 5-pound fish onto the bank.
“His line snapped,” Minor says, “and I bailed into the river right there, grabbed it [by the gills] and came out of the river with it.”
The leap soaked his walking shoes, but Minor had packed boots as backup and wore them for the rest of the trip.
Rusk County Electric Cooperative sponsoree Minor, now 20, is an engineering major at Texas A&M University.